Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Waiting for the 2020 election results

I'm sitting here trying to focus on work, but it's not happening in an productive way. Going into this election, I was thinking that the past four years seem to have genuinely motivated people to vote because the past four years have been awful because of Trump. I figured that it would be a crushing defeat for Trump, and we could sit back and watch as lawyers finally put Trump where he belongs: in prison for the rest of his life to rot away in misery at the knowledge that history will remember him as the worst president. But sitting here looking at vote counts and how things are going, it seems like Trump still has a shot at winning. Not a technicality like in 2016 where he lost the popular vote but got the electoral college... but... a real win. It's terrifying, but not just because we might be subjected to four more years of division, hatred, science-denial, record profits for the super-rich while millions are unemployed and on the brink of losing homes or not being able to afford food.

It's terrifying because almost half of voting citizens actually think Trump is a better option than Biden. I keep just sitting here blinking as that thought rolls through my head. The sheer ridiculous volume of pure evil that pours out of Trump isn't enough to open these people's eyes. Or is it that they actually support racism, misogyny, bigotry LGBTQ folks, a ridiculous wealth-gap that hurts them, ignorance over knowledge (anti-science), bad business practices that lead to half a dozen bankruptcies for Trump businesses, and horrifying ineptitude in dealing a global crisis? It's so difficult to understand what's happening.

Trump keeps lying and saying the U.S. is handling the pandemic well. He's even making stuff up out of no where that things are turning around and getting better. He keeps spouting off that millions would have died if he hadn't closed the border with China. But that's also faulty logic. Do his supporters forget that he declared early on that he wasn't going to wear a mask? Trump made it a political issue... the leader of the country not listening to the advice given by the medical folks who actually have some expertise... some skill... some knowledge... relevant to the situation? That alone caused this country to have more spread and more deaths than it needed to have. Hydroxychloroquine? Trump pushed that as a cure... and it is not effective against Covid-19. Why does anyone believe anything this guy says about Covid-19? He has no skill relevant to the situation. He's not even a beginner, let alone an expert. And he suggested that injecting disinfectant into the body might be something doctors should look into. How are his supporters not terrified of how stupid that is? How much intelligence does it take to understand that injecting cleaning chemicls into our bodies would be super bad for us? Trump has to be colossally stupid. What he should have done was swallow his pride and listen to the medical folks telling him what needs to happen. He should have been telling all of us to wear masks, keep distant, avoid large gatherings, and do everything we can to help curb the spread of the disease. The leader of our country should care more about our health and well-being than anything else. Right? Or is it okay to his supporters that tens of thousands of people didn't have to die?

What's that you say? The economy? Trump is trying to keep businesses open? Guess what... if we had all worn masks and done what the experts (people who actually know what they're talking about) had said from the beginning, we'd be more like South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Germany, Iceland, and more. Business would be in a much better place because the number of infections would be so much lower... businesses could be more open. AND we wouldn't have so many people who would be alive if not for Covid-19. Trump made the situation worse for everyone in every way possible.

I hope that was enough to address how awful Trump has been with the Pandemic. And to think that anyone thinks that Trump was the right choice to make things better after he's failed so hard so far is astounding. But let's move to the next thing... the economy in general...

Donald is a businessman. It was part of what got him into office. But even then... that's confusing because he's a terrible businessman. He's quoted as saying that he plays the bankruptcy game flippantly... like it's a valid business practice. And he's apparently made it work to some degree, but it sounds like he would have been smarter to invest in an index fund when his daddy gave him money to start with. Also... why support a guy who doesn't pay his taxes? He told us he doesn't pay his taxes in the presidential debate against Hillary for the 2016 election by claiming it made him smart. Why would anyone be happy about a guy taking money away from the pool of tax money that is used to fund the military, road and bridge maintenance, law enforcement, social security, and so on? Do these people not realize that the rest of us then need to make up the difference? When rich people dodge taxes, the burden falls on the rest of us. Trump's way of thinking about taxes hurts all of us, and benefits only him.

How about the fossil fuel industry? Anyone with even a basic understanding knows that it's bad for the environment. We've known about pollution for a long time. We've known that burning fossil fuels for energy is causing damage. And climate science is definitive... there's a problem that we're causing. It's not in question like Trump and the fossil fuel industry want us to think. The situation is bad and bad events are already happening as a result. And there's Trump claiming there's such a thing as clean coal, or that windmills cause cancer and spew fumes that add to the carbon footprint... what a moron. How dumb do you have to be to believe that a big fan turning in the wind spews chemicals or that it can cause cancer? Anyway, we have Trump increasing tariffs on solar technology while removing restrictions on the fossil fuel industry. So, Trump supporters think it's a good thing for Trump to wreck the environment so fossil fuel magnates can make record profits? It's a good thing that coal miners are trapped in that dangerous damaging industry instead of being given training for more modern jobs that can support a better energy source? Trump's efforts don't benefit the working folks... they benefit the assholes at the top making huge money.

If you think that Trump has done well with the economy in his four years, please consider this: the stock market might be up a little... but who does that really benefit? Who owns all that stock? Your 401K got a little higher? Was it enough to retire ahead of time? Was it a significant portion of your yearly income? I'm trying to point out that the stock market is a terrible gauge for how well the economy is doing. How many millions of people are unemployed? How many millions can't afford health care? How many people are on the verge of losing their homes and are having a hard time feeding their families? The real gauge of a healthy economy in my mind is one where people can get jobs... where people can afford basic human needs... and where people aren't on the verge of losing everything. Is it really good that Jeff Bezos has nearly 200 BILLION dollars while his employees are trying to survive the pandemic working for a wage that doesn't support a comfortable life? These people are bringing us our ordered stuff. Do you think it's good that Bezos is treating his employees so poorly? That's the economy we're in. It's not Trump's fault... but he's making things worse. The stock market might be up, but so what? What does that have to do with the well-being of the vast majority of us?

Trump is a bad and unethical businessman, and the economy is not serving us... it's serving the super-rich. So, we have that he handled the pandemic poorly and that he handled the economy poorly. These are two huge issues that he should have handled well if anyone would continue to support him. Somehow, his supporters believe he DID handle them well despite reality being different. But let's keep going. What else has Trump royally screwed up?

Social issues. The biggest one is around racism in this country. And the most obvious first example is George Floyd. A police officer with two of his fellow officers standing by had control of a suspect. A normal expectation would be that the officer would arrest the suspect, and put him in the back of the police car so the judicial system could process the person in the legally fair way it's supposed to. But what happened? The officer knelt on the guy's neck while being recorded by onlookers for nearly EIGHT MINUTES. And it resulted in George Floyd's death. The police officer, Derek Chauvin, murdered George Floyd as plain as day. There was no danger to the officers at all. Floyd was being arrested for potentially using counterfeit currency, not that that matters... it's not the job of police to kill people... no matter the crime. Here... here's a link to the wikipedia article: As of the writing of this blog post, Chauvin is charged with a couple forms of murder, but is out on bail with some restrictions.

So, there we have the match that lit the fire. Chauvin's murder of a man entirely and safely held in custody put a spotlight on the horrific and common events where police murder black people... and in general get away with it because of Qualified Immunity. It was the first police murder of a black person I really focused on. It was eye-opening, and sickening. Stories of children being shot and killed by police, while a seventeen year old white guy gets called a hero while they " target="_blank">raise huge sums of money for him. Let's not forget Breonna Taylor... killed by police while they were serving a warrant granted on her house because of an ex-boyfriend that didn't live there. Don't police investigate anything? Seriously, isn't that part of their job? And the officers aren't charged with any crime related to killing Breonna Taylor. Do a google search of your own. Find out how many horrifying crimes have been committed by police officers against black people... without the police getting in real trouble for it.

Black Lives Matter. It's not a suggestion that black lives matter more than others. Of course all lives matter, but right now white people don't have to be afraid that their kid is going to get shot by police in their front yard. White people don't have to be afraid of being killed in the street by police for wearing a hoodie and "seeming suspicious". Black people are suffering from mistreatment by our legal system that results in so many wrongful deaths... it's heartbreaking, but somehow there are people who fire back with arguments like "black people shouldn't do anything wrong if they want to be left alone" or "it's just a few bad apples". Those are shitty arguments. The first one is a misunderstanding of the situation that assumes the black person did something wrong, but it also completely ignores that polices ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO KILL PEOPLE! And dismissing it as a few bad apples dismisses that black people are dying! DYING! Is it okay for police to be killing black people? Oh if it's only a few? And what are the ratios exactly? How many bad apples do we just ignore and do nothing to change? Shouldn't we be making sure the police are ALL good and legally responsible for their actions? This is a big problem, and it should not be brushed aside.

So, after Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd, big protests started cropping up. These protests were correct. A good president that wants to help his people would have agreed that the event was horrifying, and that police reform was needed. Instead, he lied about the protests being violent, and sent in anonymous federal agents to abduct people and make things worse. And there were groups opposed to the BLM movement that rioted and caused other problems to take credibility away from BLM. Trump made the problem worse by siding with white supremacy groups and calling the protests a problem in democrat run cities. He pit people against each other and completely destroyed focus on the fact that there's something wrong with police departments... that police are murdering black people and getting away with it. The protests are completely valid and should be supported by government are there to represent all of us including the victims of the police. But Trump is a piece of garbage and he took it as a moment to divide the country further while doing everything he can to ruin an effort to help black people that are being horrifyingly abused by police. It's astounding that anyone who cares about anyone else might side with Trump. It's astounding that anyone that cares about the constitution thinks Trump handled this in an acceptable way... government isn't supposed to use federal agents against its people this way.

I'm having a hard time continuing to write this. I'm so angry at Trump and people who support him when it's so obvious that Trump is selfish, greedy, manipulative, and flat out evil. He is heard saying in recording prior to the presidency "Grab 'em by the pussy" and "I moved on her like a bitch". What decent human being is okay with that language and way of thinking? Would you want Trump anywhere near your wife, sister, daughter, or female friend? If someone else behaved that way, they'd be immediately ostracized from that group... shunned for being a piece of shit. But Trump still has support? That's okay for a president? Or how about making fun of disabled people? Or how about disrespecting P.O.W.s? Or how about disrespecting Gold Star Families (families who have lost members to military service)? Is that okay? There is the probable labeling of soldiers as losers and suckers. I admit it's not definite, but after all of Trump's disrespect to the military I wouldn't be surprised if it's completely true and Trump just doesn't want to lose the support by admitting it. Anyway... where was I?

It's funny too how religious organizations support Trump, citing his anti-abortion stance and his faith. But Trump has been married what? Three times? And he's had public affairs? Isn't that looked down on by religious people? Christianity as I understand it is supposed to be about treating people well. Jesus was about helping the poor and being kind right? So, Trump shouts about violent riots and blames BLM protesters that need help? Trump cages children and deports their parents instead of helping people who just suffered a harrowing journey to escape terrible situations? Instead of stimulus money going to help small businesses that needed it, it went to big organizations that didn't need it including churches that don't pay taxes in the first place? So, he helped the rich and let the people in need just keep suffering and falling apart. Trump is not a beacon of good to be held up... he's a cancer that's killing our country.

Think too about the people he put in power. Betsy DeVos who wants very much to crush the first amendment by inserting her religion in schools. If you think that's okay or even good, you don't care about the Constitution or equality. What would you think if it was Hinduism or Islam? Would that be okay? Why not? Why is your religion okay, but others are not? No. Public schools should NEVER push a religion. Where they should be in school is as part of academic study of history and culture alongside all religions.

Scott Pruitt, Steven Mnuchin, and others were put in positions of power over departments responsible for things they fought against in their previous professions or which is a huge conflict of interests. Scott Pruitt rolled back so many environmental protections for the fossil fuel industry that the EPA is barely a thing anymore. All for profits for companies that save money by polluting more instead of taking care of their messes.

I'm going to publish this for now. Might update it later to include more information about how bad Trump is. More links to more articles. But the idea is here. People who support Trump seem to be one of a few options...

  • ignorant (unaware of Trump being a piece of shit)
  • evil (agree with Trump's evil... like white supremacists)
  • rich (benefit from Trump's policies)

One last thing I'll before I go. If you shout about AntiFa causing violence... you're being dumb. AntiFa is short for "Anti-Fascism". Our world war soldiers are all therefore AntiFa. Our modern soldiers are technically AntiFa. AntiFa is a concept about opposing fascist government. Trump is definitely a wanna-be dictator... he's a fascist that wants to control everything. So, since I oppose Trump, I am AntiFa. But that's just a concept... I'm not part of some organization. There IS NO ORGANIZATION. And if you are patriotic... you would be against fascism too.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Please vote against Trump

I you love or even just like the world, the United States, the Constitution, your family, your friends, your neighbors, people of our country who are suffering, and/or your children and the generations that will come after we're gone...

Please vote against Trump

Why? Because he's actively working to destroy all of those things in favor of profit for himself and his super-rich allies. This blog post is a collection of what I can find reliable information for about how Trump is awful. If you already are aware of Trump being awful, and you're already going to vote for Biden, you probably don't need to keep reading. To be clear though, I dislike Biden too. He seems to be just another institutional politician that wants to maintain the status quo of our broken system that keeps the politicians and super-rich in power. I really wanted a progressive politician like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren to be our next president, but we don't have that option. Remember, the system is broken. It's a specific control device that makes it so we only have two options that could win. Third party voting is a bad idea. Maybe it fits your principles to cast your vote for someone you actually line up with better, but until we have ranked choice voting, the only strategy for voting that works is to chip away at moving things in a better direction. If you vote third party in this election, that's one less vote that is helping get Trump out of office. Everyone needs to come together to vote for Biden, not to suggest that Biden is a good choice, but to make absolutely sure that we are not punished with another four years of that evil, lying, selfish, greedy, delusional, piece of crap Trump. I'm under no illusion that Biden will bring this country to where it should be, but I understand that Biden won't do even 10% of the damage that Trump has already done.

If you're reading this and thinking that I'm a "libtard" or an idiot for hating Trump... whether you keep reading or not depends on whether you are intelligent enough to listen to new information. If you've already decided Trump is good and you are voting for him and no one can convince you he's a horrid person that is actively hurting you, then don't bother reading more I guess. I just hope there aren't many people like you because this country can't survive another four years of the damage he's doing to us. If you have an open enough mind to consider that you might be wrong to support Trump, then I'll happily provide you with more to think about.

Human Influenced Climate Change and Science in General

It's pretty easy to figure which side of this debate is correct. On one side we have all of the genuine climate science experts saying things are changing too fast because of our pollution. On the other side we have an orange idiot and the marketing experts for the fossil fuel industry. What makes more sense? That the people studying the phenomnon know what they're talking about after decades of education, hard work, experimentation and observation, and incredible amounts of peer review? Or that people who profit by the pollution and destruction of the environment that we depend on actually know something the experts don't know and their fossil fuels are totally okay? It's super simple logic. The fossil fuel industry and Donald are lying to us so they can keep making huge profits on the destruction of the environment we all depend on to survive.

Another logic exercise you can do to understand which side is correct is to think about human history. Thousands of years ago, there was no industry and the population was tiny compared to now. Fast forward to more recent times and the advent of burning fossil fuels for electricity and to make cars go, and realize that we've been running millions of cars every second of every day for decades. Before we did that, Nature was just trucking along with its normal processes. Then we added ridiculous amounts of pollution. Does that seem like it would have no effect?

The same is true of our food production. Most notably we go through a lot of beef and pork. I'm working my way toward being a vegetarian, but I'm NOT suggesting we stop eating meat all-together. I'm suggesting we eat too much meat and should eat less. It has an environmental impact. Here's the heavily cited wikipedia article about that. You can think about this in the same way you thought about cars in the previous paragraph. Before there were billions of humans eating meat, there weren't huge meat-mills breeding animals as fast as they could to bring them to slaughter. The animals consume food of their own and produce waste and pollution of their own. Just now it's in way bigger numbers than it ever was naturally. It just makes sense that our meat consumption is too much.

And of course to understand that human influenced climate change is real and dangerous you could just educate yourself on the topic. There are many sources of good information online if you want to learn more. NASA is has been providing reliable climate information for a long time. You can spend a long time reading their site about Climate Change and more specifically the effects of climate change. You can read the article on the Union of Concerned Scientists site about the impacts which are already happening. Why am I harping on the reality of Human Influenced Climate Change and its dangers?

Because Trump has worked his ass off to deny it and force government science agencies to hide their data. Why would he do that? So no one would push to find cleaner sources of energy... so his buddies in the fossil fuel industry could keep making huge profits on destroying the world's ability to sustain human life. Trump is actively choosing harming the population of the world to help his buddies make more profit. It's disgusting and offensive. You should be outraged that Trump is doing this. Now... I'm not suggesting other politicians don't do this same thing. They're getting money from fossil fuel organizations and pushing through legislation that favors those awful companies. It's awful and we should all be pushing our politicians to represent us instead of those selfish rich pieces of garbage. But Trump has made this problem worse than normal...

Trump is forcing government scientists to shut up about problems he can make a profit from and he's actively lying to contradict the scientifically obtained and reliable information. What's so bad about that? His supporters who choose to get their information from him won't trust factual information. They stop trusting anything with the word science associated with it. When the scientists engrossed in the study of our climate and how humans are affecting it tell us there's a danger and Trump says they're part of some kind of conspiracy or that there's such a thing as Clean Coal and he spouted off nonsense about how coal should be fought for (YouTube video of FOX News showing Trump speech, about 2.5 minutes), and Trump's followers believe him there's a real problem. It's astounding that anyone believes the stupid lies coming out of his mouth. And if you point out that the coal indsutry has lots of jobs tied to it, I'll counter with a proposal. I'm happy for my tax money to go to help keep coal companies affloat if they use that money to keep paying their employees while the employees are trained in work related to clean power production and while the company shifts from producing coal to producing clean energy technology. Heck, if it's the manufacture of clean energy machinery and we keep the manufacturing jobs here in the states, we keep jobs here AND improve our situation with pollution. The rich people at the top get to keep making money, people get education and moved to jobs that aren't so dangerous, and it's environmentally friendly.

So, to sum this up, Trump is destroying trust in scientifically obtained knowledge and is actively making things worse by favoring profit instead of being the guy that is making the world a better place that is capable of supporting human life.

International Relations

I'm not sure where to begin on this one. I mean... Trump is ruining our relationship with our allies and fostering relationships with our enemies. It's like Trump admires the dictators of the world who are abusing their people and living the high life on their suffering. And it's like Trump has no respect for democratic world leaders that are beholden to their people. Trump is the opposite of what he should be as the primary representative of the United States of America in the world. Maybe you think it's okay that Trump won't say anything bad about Putin? Maybe you think our soldiers should keep getting targeted so people can collect the bounty on them that Putin put out? Maybe you think it's okay that the United States is a shameful joke to people around the world because of Trump? Here are some articles to read if you're interested...

I'm sure you can find hundreds more articles if you're interested. I might add more later. I'm just tired of reading about the awful things Trump does on this topic for the moment. If I'm going to make it through this whole blog post I better move on to the next section...

Covid-19 Pandemic

Trump loves to point to a chart and say our country is doing the best in the world. He goes on to say that because we test more, we're going to have more cases. The chart he points out includes only a couple other countries and they are cherry picked. Here's a video that includes a section of an interview about Covid-19. He's not looking at the charts that compare death toll compared to population. Here's a lovely website that gives us a chart of the twenty worst affected countries in the world. The U.S. is definitely on the chart. The chart has two modes. In the default mode it's telling you how many deaths per 100 confirmed cases of Covid-19. If you click on the tab above the chart for death per 100,000 population you see that the U.S. goes way up the list. The U.S. is definitely not worst on the first chart, but remeber that the U.S. is on the chart at all. Also remember that if you tested more people, and found more of the stay at home cases, the death rate per 100 cases would go down. So, your position on that first chart is largely dependent on how wide spread the testing is and a higher position might just indicate you're not doing much testing. I don't think the first chart is super valuable.

If you go to that second chart that is about death by population, the U.S. ranks as the fourth worst country in the world for number of deaths per population. I don't know what Peru is doing but holy crap. I feel terrible for the people there. Peru has 81 deaths per 100,000 people. That's a small percentage if you do that math, but the country in 20th place (Bangladesh) only has 2 people per 100,000 die. Every country on the list is failing to respond well to the pandemic. So, when we point out that the supposedly first-world country of the U.S.A. has 52 people per 100,000 dying to Covid-19, keep in mind that it means we're doing 26 times worse than Bangladesh. We are handling this far worse than a country with far less in the way of resources. How is that Trump's fault?

Here's an article with the timeline of events. Trump started out by proclaiming it was a under control and not to worry about it. He called for money to be spent to find a vaccine or cure, but continued to say it was under control and not to worry about it... a month after experts said to worry about it. Then Trump called it a political hoax that the democrats were pushing to attack him. What a moron Trump is. Businesses had to shut down, and Trump continued to say it was fine and not to worry, and he even made a big deal out of opening everything back up for Easter. Apparently, Trump is also the first (or at least a very early person) to have compared it to the Flu publicly. Hooray for that stupidity. That comparison had already been debunked prior to Trump saying it. Then comes the Hydroxychloroquine business... and I mean business. Trump had stock in a company that produces that anti-malarial drug, and he claimed it was effective. There was a run on the drug and drug companies rejoiced at making more profit on something that distinctly does not work against Covid-19. What an irresponsible abuse of his position. Not only is that drug needed for its intended purpose, but it apparently has side effects including the possibility of killing you. How many people died taking that drug needlessly? Profit over lives.

It continues of course. Trump starts to blame China and calls his response and handling good despite having botched it horribly. He just doesn't seem to want to accept blame or admit he did anything wrong. How do you rationalize refusing to wear a mask and stoking the anti-mask thinking and also saying you're doing a good job? Trump is a horrible person who responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people. Yes... some people would have died no matter how good our response was. But between 1 and 160,000 so far... how many tens of thousands didn't have to die? How can anyone support a leader that doesn't care about their well-being and doesn't admit when they're wrong? Why would anyone want that as a president?

3 October 2020 update: The president is in the hospital with Covid-19. I hope he survives so that he can shut the hell up about it "not affecting many people" and finally acknowledge that it's real. And then I want him to serve his prison time for tax fraud and live out the rest of his days miserable in a jail cell.

Profitting from the Presidency

It's getting hard to keep focus to make this blog post. This section is about the Emoluments clause of the Constitution and about all the tax money that he's funneling into his businesses. The emoluments clause basically says you're not supposed to use your position as president to make profit. For example, if the president owns golf courses and the adjoining hotels and frequently brings his secret service retinue along with him, tax money is going to the president's coffers. And if the president just happens to charge drastically increased rates... he's giving far too much tax money to himself. Or, if the president owns or has stock in a company that does international trade, he might use his position to make deals favorable to his company but not favorable to the American people. The emoluments clause is supposed to protect us from that so that the president would represent the people instead of his business interests. It's meant to avoid conflicts of interest. Trump has been doing that golf course thing (and spending way more time golfing than Obama did which is funny because Trump blasted Obama for golfing). Here's a site dedicated to tracking his golf time and the cost to us. And here's an article about the golf trips and cost that says the cost might be much higher. And another article about how we're paying way too much directly into Trump's pocket.

Trump made a big show of donating his presidential salary to some charity or another. And he apparently does that, but it's a drop in the bucket next to the tax money he's stealing. So, when you try to stand up for Trump saying he's working for no money to help the country, you're being ignorant. Here's an article about that. Trump is scamming us with a little distraction and a big prize. He's a piece of crap. You should be furious with him for stealing millions of our tax dollars.

writing in progres beyond this point...
Terrible Choices for Positions of Power

My first example is Betsy DeVos. He made her the secretary of education. She has never been a teacher or worked in a school. She is completely unqualified for the job. That's just for starters. Next is her religious zealotry. She wants to destroy the first amendment to the constitution and force her religion into schools. All those people who support the Constitution but think religion should be in schools are hypocrits and flat out wrong about the idea that putting religion in school would be a good thing. They're hypocrits because the first amendment says that government can't favor any religion. A tax funded institution like school has to stay out of it. So, from the get go, the Constitution means we can't have religion pushed by school. But really, YOU should want schools to not have religion in them. Why? Because of how you would feel if you found out that the religion schools were pushing was Islam. Would you be furious if your kid came home and said he was made to pray to a Hindu god? Or how about being made to give an offering to the Native American Indian nature spirits? I would be angry about all of that just as much as I'd be angry if my kids were forced to listen to brainwashing about the Christian faith. I'm an atheist. I see no reason to believe there's any after-life or any divine being doing anything anywhere. I prefer there being evidence of something. So, if someone tries to gaslight my kids into thinking there's a magic sky-fairy that listens telepathically to their wishes and they get to be rewared when they die if they're good and show blind faith, or be punished for eternity if they "sin", I'm going to get really angry. Religion has no place in school. Really it should go away altogether, but the first amendment protects the individual's right to follow whatever religion they want as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's rights. So yeah... DeVos is disgusting.


Pruitt (and whoever is in charge now)


The Economy
Severe Abuse of Power
Trump Being a Putin Puppet
Trump's White Supremacy
Trump's Misogyny
Trump's Constant Lying
Trump's Apparent Mental Deficiency
Trump's Awful Behavior

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Politics: Supreme Court Judges and LGBTQ Rights

Let's start with the good news. In a 6 to 3 decision, the Supreme Court protected the rights of LGBTQ folks in the United States.

Now the bad news. Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas voted against equal job rights for LGBTQ people. Those three judges are anti-American idiots. It's super simple that the American ideal is for equality. It's part of the founding documents. On the other side are people that seem to want to limit the rights of LGBTQ people. Why might they want to do that? Maybe there's a reason I'm not aware of. I doubt that. And if I had to guess, it's based on an interpretation of the Christian Bible that suggests homosexuality is wrong. Thankfully we have the First Amendment to protect us from that nonsense. The government and public organizations like schools CANNOT favor any one religion. No laws can be made based on religious belief. And I greatly appreciate the founding fathers for building our country that way.

The Bible says it's okay to own slaves and that the slaves should treat their masters like God... with respect and deference. The Bible also says not to wear mixed fabrics or have tatoos (right near where it says a man shall not lie with another man). If I'm not mistaken the Bible also says you can kill your wife via stoning if she cheats on you. Now, we know that the Bible spouts off about ridiculous things that make it awful as a framework for morality, but it also has the weakness that not everyone believes it. In fact there are a good number of religions in the United States (and around the world). And there's zero reason to believe that any one of them got it right. In order for our government to treat all of us different people fairly, it has to be agnostic to religion... it has to make laws without any basis in religion. That's how it should be. Again: Thank you Founding Fathers for making this an agnostic nation.

Now put all that together and realize that the only apparent motivation to discriminate against LGBTQ citizens is religion AND we have three judges sitting on the Supreme Court who think it makes legal sense to discriminate against people based on sexual-identity. That's terrifying. What's as terrifying is that there are people who will vote to support religious tenets around being bigots.

I'm going to describe religious freedom one more time because I feel like it fits here. Religious freedom is the freedom to follow your religion as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's rights. Obviously, no human sacrifices or ritual killings. What might be less obvious is that it means that all of us can pick any religion and have it be just as valid in the eyes of the government. I could be a Shinto practitioner if I wanted to be and it would be just as valid as that Christian next door. THIS IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION. It never was, and is should never be. We are not a theocracy. But government not supporting a religion is exactly what religious freedom is.

If our Supreme court might make a decision based on one religion's ideals, the Supreme Court is broken and we are all in danger. I hope those three judges get booted as quickly as possible.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Game Review: Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes

I've been playing the mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes by Capital Games (division of EA) for a pretty long time. I think I've been through two Christmas seasons playing the game. I think the time is better measured in years than months. I've also blown some money it in that time, but I'm restraining myself and spending less as I realize that the game is not set up to reward you. It's a machine to suck in people who get addicted and convince them to spend more money. I get that it's a business that has to make money, but it seems like their entire plan is to create a sort of gambling situation where you can keep spending more money to try to get the things you want, and you usually don't get it. It's like a slot machine. And the "game" is... well... dull. There's really not anything to do in the game that's fun. When I pick up my PS4 controller and play through the Resident Evil 2 Remake, I am having fun. I'm being told a story. I'm experiencing tension and anticipation. And I get to work my way through a GAME. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH) is not really a game. You can't just play it. Everything you do in the game is in service of collecting stuff to power up your characters and ships with. And there are limits to how much you can do. And you have to be part of a guild for some of it. And the only way to break the limits and get to what you want more quickly than half a year is to pay more money.

I can describe Resident Evil 2 Remake as a survival horror game that includes solving puzzles and a decent story. SWGOH is a sort of collectible card game type of thing where you collect characters and ships; you power them up through ridiculous jumping of hurdles; and in the end the game is some PvP of your stuff versus other people's stuff. And you get rank. And based on your rank you get some rewards that are essentially more things for leveling up your character. It's mind numbing. It's pointless. It's not even fun. It feels like the responsibility of doing a job except you don't get paid. So, why do I play?

Why I play is probably a combination of a few things. First is that I love Star Wars. Second is that I enjoy collection. So, obtaining characters and ships appeals to me. The third (more depressing) reason is probably the "sunk cost fallacy". I spent a fair amount of money on this game to get a little bit more of whatever I needed at the time to get characters, power them up, and get more characters. I have that feeling that I should keep playing because I already spent money it, and somehow if I keep playing the expenditure won't have been a waste, but if I quit it will have been a waste.

The short version of this blog post is that if you enjoy PvP a lot; if you like Star Wars; and if you like collecting things, you might enjoy Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. But for the most part, the game is bad and you should probably avoid it. The real reason for this blog post is so I an describe in detail what you do in the game...

When I wake up in the morning, it's usually before everyone else and it's a little bit of quiet time for me. I play my two main mobile games to make sure I can get through the daily quests to maximize my rewards in game each day. I start with SWGOH mostly to get through it and get it done. The first thing I do is open the Squad Arena section which is the basic PvP thing you can do. I pick an opponent and start it up, and I let it go on automatic so I don't have to pay attention while it's running. I pick the most powerful foe I can so it ends faster. I don't care about winning. I care about letting it do that because one of the daily quests is to fight two squad arena fights each day. And I would run two in a row to get them over with, but there's a 10 minute wait between fights. That's why I do one first, so that the time can go by while I do the other things. The next thing I do is open up the free Bronzium Data Card in the store. It's not usually anything impressive, but it's another daily quest to do that counts toward the total of having completed all the daily quests. After that I go into the Cantina Battles Section. It's a PvE (player vs environment) thing you can do. You have energy that recharges slowly and you spend that energy to play through a fight where you can earn stuff including character shards which is one way you can power up characters. So, you pick a fight that gives you shards for a character you're trying to power up. You can earn 1 or 2 shards with the energy you have at max. And it takes over 300 shards to max out a character on this axis of power improvement. So, in three and a half months you can probably earn enough shards to max out one character through the cantina battles. Yeah... so... whatever. They offer the ability to "sim" the battles once you're earned three stars in defeating the battle so you don't have to waste time playing through the fight anymore. But that makes it into nothing but a chore. Alright, new paragraph...

After Cantina Battles, I move on over to the Mod Challenges. It's the same basic thing as the Cantina Battles except what you're hoping to earn are called mods. They are another way you can power up your character, so you want to collect LOTS of these things. Each character has six slots for mods (each a different shape). Combinations of mods can have added effects. AND you can level up the modes themselves to make them more powerful. And you can bump up the rarity of the better mods to make them more powerful. Yeah... More of a chore. yay. I use up my energy gambling on mods, hoping to get good ones, or on the mod resources you can use to increase the rarity. It's another thing you can sim, so you don't have to waste time playing through nine or so fights. You just click and get your stuff.

After mod battle is Challenges. It's another PvE thing where if you get 3 stars in a fight, you can sim it. If you get 3 stars in the most difficult fights, they even give the convenience of being able to sim all the daily challenges together with one button instead of 2 to 6 buttons. You get in-game money, training materials, gear materials, and materials to help power up your characters in another way. Whatever.

Then you do the Light Side or Dark Side Battles. They are another PvE thing where you earn resources and character shards (like Cantina Battles), and they share one energy pool. So, you pick the character you want to work on and sim that fight hoping for a shard or if you're lucky: two shards. There are a very few characters that have multiple fights and fewer that have fights in both the Cantina Battles and the Light/Dark Side Battles, so don't get your hopes up that this will really help you power up any characters faster. Anyway, I do my 6+ fights by sim, and move on.

Next is the Galactic War section. You can earn some character shards and another type of in-game currency. It's kind of a PvP-lite sort of thing. You fight against another team some other player put together, and you fight through something like 30 fights to get to the end and complete the war. Each day to complete the daily quest, you just need to fight one fight. But if you want the in-game currency you could go through all the fights in one day if you want. This might be the most fun part of the game because you can fiddle with trying different teams of your own against whatever team comes up as the next fight. It might be the only place you can experiment and try out some of your other squads without risking your ranking. Anyway, on to ships...

The ships section is where you switch focus to your fleet instead of your characters. It has a Challenges section for the same kind of resources you can get for the characters but for the ships. It has a Fleet Battles secion which is like the Light/Dark Side battles section. And it has a Fleet Arena section which is like the Squad Arena section, but again for the ships instead of the characters. I do all the challenges by clicking on the sim button over and over. I use up my fleet energy in the Fleet Battles hoping to earn ship shards. And I play one PvP fight in the Fleet Arena because that's what you have to do to earn all the daily quest rewards. It's the same as Squad arena. I pick the toughest foe I can so it goes quickly. I don't care about winning. Just the daily quest.

I go back to the main page and look at the Shipments section. It's where you can the ELEVEN types of in-game currency to buy things like character shards and gear upgrade resources. One of the daily quests is to get at least three things from the Shipments section. I go through each sub-section and buy what I want that I have the currency for.

By now the timer should be done in the squad arena, so I get my second PvP match in. Set it to auto and pay attention to something else for a couple minutes while it goes. Once it's done, I go the objectives section and collect all the rewards for completing the daily quests. I check the mail because you get some of your rewards that way from other things. I should mention that there's a PvP thing called Grand Arena that seems to happen a lot. I tried it once, and hated it. What a stupid thing that was. You get rewards, but it requires too much effort to be worth it. It's awful. I won't play Grand Arena again.

Anyway, I check out the events because sometimes they're the only way to get certain things, but mostly because you can get good amounts of resources and character shards. I play through what I can using sim as much as possible. Finally, I check out the Guild section. If the guild has a raid going I'll participate. I'll check the exchange to see if I have a lot of something that other people need and donate it to them. And if there's a guild event going on I'll participate in that too. If you want the original trilogy straight up Han Solo character (you can get other versions of Han like when he's in Stormtrooper armor, when he's young, when he's old...), you pretty much have to get those shards through one of the guild raids. If you want Princess Leia shards for her Hoth version, you have to participate in the guild event that offers those shards. These are just like all the other things you can do in this game. They are not fun things to do. They are chores that get you what you need to gather more characters and make them more powerful.

Now that I've done all that to collect things to make characters more powerful, how do you make characters more powerful? Imagine your job is to shift all the sand from a beach onto another beach, and the only tool you're allowed to use or touch the sand with is a paper clip. How long would that take you? You'd finish moving the sand before you can make your characters powerful enough to compete with the high ranked players. I've been playing for what I think is two years and I haven't managed to get even one character to a powerful enough upgrade that I can use something called relics. I remember when they introduced relics. They sounded happy to introduce them. But I haven't used that feature at all. Ever. It's stupid. And that's something to keep in mind. The game is designed to make the whales happy. And of course by whales, I mean the people willing to spend big money. Early on, I spent probably $100 a month... way too much. But because I didn't start playing at the beginning, I was too far behind to catch up. And, the game is designed for the big whales. That's it. They don't care about you. They don't seem to care about new players or retaining them. They only seem to care about those people who played from the start and are spending huge money. Let me tell you what it takes to power up a character.

Once you (the player) are level 85, you can level up your characters to that level. Hooray. There's a fair amount of time and work that goes into getting yourself to that point. Enjoy that crawl. Anyway, characters have 5 axes that get powered up...

  • Level: This is the basic level 1 through 85. You have to be max level for other things and makes the character a tiny bit more powerful.
  • Stars: This is what you collect character shards for. The lowest a character can be is 1 star, and the highest is 7 stars. This has a decent bearing on how powerful the character is, but also controls what events they can participate in. They have to be high enough in stars to work for certain guild events for example.
  • Skills: Characters come with different numbers of skills and each one represents something they can use in combat. It'll be things like buffing your team, attacking enemies, applying debuffs to enemies, healing, and so on. Each skill can be level 1 to level 8 (max). Each skill requires certain resources (earned through some of those daily quests) to level them up. This process is super slow.
  • Mods: These are the six things you assign to your character to give them some upgrades. You choose the trait you want to focus on and pick mods that match that trait. Oh and each mod is from level 1 to 15, so you have to spend more credits to level those up.
  • Gear: Your character has a gear level. My most powerful characters are at gear level 12. I spent a fair amount of money to make that happen. But this seems to be the most important thing for how powerful your character really is. Gear level 13 is when you can start working on the relic for the character. So, I don't know what that's like yet. The materials you need for increasing gear levels come from those things you do for daily quests, but also from guild activities. Importantly, it's the higher gear level resources that come from the guild stuff. You can buy some of it with real money (buying crystals and then just purchasing it), but that's the rabbit hole they want everyone to go down. It takes so many resources to get one character up by one gear level that it's ridiculous. After my two years or so of playing I have ONE team that is decently powerful, but not powerful enough to use all the features of the game.

I think I hate this game. Collecting enough shards to get a character to 7 stars can be months of patience. One character. Literal months of playing every day hoping you get shards for that character. And then the gear level... it gives me a headache thinking about it. Yup, I hate the game. It's not even a game. It's a chore with decoration I like and I've spent money so I don't want to give up.

I just did a search to see how many players they have, and I found out they have something between 70 and 80 million players, and made something like 900 million so far. I guess they're doing something right. That's a lot of players and a lot of money. I was going to write a few ideas for them to change things here, but I can't think of any reason for them to care what I think.

My recommendation...

  • You love PvP, Star Wars, and don't mind spending too much money: Play the game. I also recommend the $100 starter bundle. It gets you pretty far into the process.
  • You love Star Wars and enjoy collection style games: The game will be frustrating. I'd avoid it. But if you're good at NOT spending money and have boundless patience, give it a shot.
  • Anything else: Skip it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Major Star Wars Movie Categorized Review

I write a lot about Star Wars. It makes sense. I like the original trilogy a lot, and I like thinking about Star Wars. But unless you're really enjoying my writing, you're probably not looking to search through my list of blog posts to catch up on all of that. This blog post is meant to be my collection of better organized opinions and thoughts about all of the major movies. I'm skipping the specials. I haven't seen them since they came out, so I don't remember them well enough to say anything useful. I'll also mention that I'm not bothering with the special edition releases of the Original Trilogy because while some of those changes were pretty (I liked the windows in Cloud City and the extended Trench Run battle), the substantive changes were worthy of strong cringes or in one case of taking offense at the stupidity. Greedo shouldn't have gotten a shot off. It's an important part of setting up Han's character as being sort of dark. It makes his transition from "willing to do shady things" to "understanding being part of something" much more impressive. I hate Greedo shooting at all. Therefore, I'm ignoring those versions of the movies. Now that you have that set up, let's jump in...

Overall Ranking and Rating

Below is the table of Stars Wars movies in order from top to bottom as worst to best. It gives my emotional rating, my opinion of the quality of the movie, and a comment to explain a little. The emotional rating is how much the movie resonated with me and made me care about the characters. The quality of the movie is about how good the logic is behind the movie. For example, the trench run in Episode 4 doesn't really make enough sense, so its quality rating is docked a tiny bit, but the emotional content of the trench run is off the charts, so the emotional rating gets bumped up. Another example: Episode 1 has a convoluted political scheme with gobs of illogical decisions and actions. It also includes a waste of time in the pod races and I don't need to see Anakin as a child bumbling about. The movie COULD have contained so much better substance, setup, and detail than it had. It hurts me that they wasted one of the nine Skywalker episodes to such a degree. Episode 1 is going to get a very low quality rating from me, AND it did almost nothing for me emotionally.

Movie Emotional Rating Quality Rating Comment
Episode 8: The Last Jedi 0 0 Terrible meandering movie with zero upside and does actual damage to the setting
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace 4 4 Awful waste of precious movie time filled with bad logic and a poop joke
Episode 2: Attack of the Clones 4 5 This movie turned Jedi from awe inspiring monks to cannon fodder. Also... horrid romance writing.
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith 6 6 Could have been the amazing emotional story of Darth Vader's birth. It wasn't amazing. Or emotional.
Solo: A Star Wars Story 50 40 It wasn't terrible. It wasn't great. It was okay.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 80 20 I'll admit I was emotionally engaged, but the details were pretty awful for this.
Episode 7: The Force Awakens 80 30 This could have been an amazing re-introduction to Star Wars that gave us a good basis for 8 and 9. I liked the characters though.
Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker 85 72 I am giving this one a little bit of a pass because it had to start from the abomination that was Episode 8. Some fantastic emotional content.
Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back 90 87 Counter to popular opinion, it's not my favorite of the original trilogy. Episode 4 had the trench run and Episode 6 had the father/son duel.
Episode 4: Star Wars / A New Hope 95 85 There are definitely faults here (lowest quality rating of original trilogy), but it's so good.
Episode 6: Return of the Jedi 100 95 It gets dinged for Ewoks, but also has the best scene in all of Star Wars: the duel between Luke and his father.
Previous Review Blogs

You can ignore this part if you want. I'm really just collecting links to all the previous blogs I wrote about Star Wars in one place. If you want to read them it would make me happy that someone does. Most recent is at the top.

What follows now is just a section for each of the movies with what I intend to be succinct comments on them. I'm going to put them chronological order in the timeline, so start with Episode 1. There will be LOTS of spoilers. One paragraph for what the movie did wrong; one paragraph for what the movie did right; and one paragraph for ideas I have on that movie...

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Bad: The movie has bizarre political schemes as a basis for its story and the logic is broken. The characters are poorly written and some of them were pointless (like Quigon). Actually, RedLetterMedia did a fantastic job of skewering Episode 1 in a clear and entertaining way that is more fun to watch than Episode 1. You can find it at: They point out the flat unegaging characters; the poor decision to start with Anakin as a child; the creepy romance between a child and a teenager; the lack of logic around Palpatine's plans that only work out because the writers made it work out; the horrible writing for Yoda; and more. Episode 1 has a lot that's bad with it. Oh yeah... there was no reason to force R2-D2 and C-3P0 into the story. I mean, R2 is one of the best characters in the movies, but there was no reason for it.

Good: Hmm. Uh... Ewan McGregor is a really good Obiwan Kenobi. I liked him in that spot. I like Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley, but the inclusion of actresses I like doesn't make the movie better. I'm struggling here. Yikes.

My Idea: This isn't actually my idea, but one I support wholeheartedly. If I find a link to it, I'll definitely share, but the basic idea is that the prequels should have lined up with Obiwan's telling of history to Luke in Episode 4. Obiwan tells Luke that when he met Luke's father, Anakin was already a great pilot and a cunning warrior. Episode 1 should have started out with Anakin being somewhere from 18 to 25 years old, and he should already be a guy that has been out and about in the galaxy. Obiwan also tells Luke that Uncle Owen thought Anakin shouldn't get invovled in the Clone Wars. To me (and this person I'd like to find to credit), this means that Owen was a more important character. We don't need some virgin birth origin story. What would have been cool would have been if Owen and Anakin are full brothers with parents and friends. This would mean Anakin has a much bigger emotional connection that can be used to help explain his fall to the dark side later. Obiwan gives us a couple more choice pieces of information of course, but for Episode 1 this is enough. It could have been the story of Obiwan meeting Anakin and noticing his potential. Obiwan tries to convince Anakin to study the Jedi way and get involved in the war to make the galaxy a better place. Anakin has emotionally charged conversations with his brother that Obiwan can even witness so he knows that Owen didn't want Anakin to get involved. Anakin can even have a love interest of some kind that doesn't have to be a queen of a nation. And we don't need the rule for Jedi that they can't have relationships. But as Anakin is falling to the dark side, his pregnant love interest can start to pull away and it turns out she's part of the Alderaanian family. Luke has the stronger connection to the Force right away so, when the babies are split up later it's because Obiwan was going to watch over that kid and train him when the time is right, and Leia stays with her real mom on Alderaan. But I'm getting past Episode 1. Last thing I'll mention is that the Clone Wars should have made more sense. Episode 2 gives us a Separatist War with each side being fought primarily using droids or clones... not a good enough reason to call it the Clone Wars. Whatever good definition we can come up with would have to be established in Episode 1 since Obiwan is meeting Anakin during the Clone Wars.

Episode 2: Attack of the Clones

Bad: As mentioned in the previous section, the Clone War is better referred to as the Separatist War. It would have been nice if Lucas had come up with something that made sense here. On top of that, Episode 2 is the moment where Jedi become cannon fodder soldiers that run into big battles and get killed like they're not really that special afterall. It wrecks the legend. The Original Trilogy sets them up more as people who accept the Spider-Man philosophy of "With great power comes great responsibility". The Jedi are rare and generally try to do good with their power. And I got the impression that they got swept up into the war instead of being part of some government body where they just naturally participate. Anyway, my impression aside, Episode 2 had scenes of Jedi charging into fights and one in particular has about a dozen Jedi fighting the Geonosians... and not all of them live through the fight. It turns the Jedi from mystical monk into soldier that isn't very special. I hate that Episode 2 diminished the Jedi this way. But the badness doesn't stop there. There's a horrible forced romance between the queen/senator and the sociopath Force user. Not only does it make no sense that she'd be interested in an obsessive emotionally immature person that treats her like the One Ring, but the dialog is awful. It's the only part of Star Wars that I fast forward through... that stupid scene in the field with the cow-creatures.

Good: They do a little bit of character development in the scene where Anakin and Obiwan face Count Dooku. They show Obiwan trying really hard to give his student good guidance and Anakin being an immature moron. It sets up Obiwan as being more wise and Anakin being brash. This is useful later in Episode 3 when they show the same match-up with different behavior. So, there's a little bit in there.

My Idea: This movie should have shown the training of Anakin, the development of his love interest, and show bits of him having dark tendencies. The Clone War would continue and we get the introduction of the Sith. The Sith muck things up royally but something they say resonates with Anakin. He starts to wonder if the Jedi might be wrong, but sticks with them. This movie should REALLY build up the friendship that Anakin and Obiwan have though. Show them working together and joking around with each other. Show them having deep conversations. Anything to make it so that the fall of Anakin in the next movie is way more emotionally engaging.

Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Bad: This is the least bad of the prequels but it's still bad. Anakin's fall to the Dark Side is not easy to believe. It's just not explained well. It's sad to say that the book adaptation does a much better job on this point. After that, the issuing of Order 66 is weak in the scene with Obiwan and the Clones he's taking on Grievous with. The clones and Obiwan should have come in at the same time so we could see Obiwan fighting alongside the clones, and show them helping each other. Show the bond so that when the order is given, it is much more jarring and pointed that the clones don't care... they've been stripped of their humanity and programmed as obedient soldiers willing to turn on their long-time comrades without pause. This was done wrong. The capstones to the awfulness of Episode 3 is the two lightsaber fights: Yoda vs Palpatine / Obiwan vs Anakin. In the former case, the two giants of the Force of that era use lightsabers? Where's the epic Force battle? And in the latter, the two dear friends fight while swinging over lava for 45 minutes in the least emotionally engaging fight they could have come up with. Incredible failure.

Good:The lightsaber fight with Obiwan and Anakin versus Count Dooku was a nice bit of showing character development as Anakin has learned his lesson and doesn't attack brashly. That was decent. Could have been better in not making a fool of Obiwan. Just have him dropped through a trap door to face a bunch of droids or something and have to fight his way back in time to see that Anakin defeated Dooku. But whatever.

My Idea: This should have been the movie where we feel the heartbreak of Anakin succumbing to the temptation of the Dark Side along with Obiwan. Somewhere in there, Anakin thinks his love interest dies along with his unborn children and it's the tipping point. Maybe he thinks Obiwan is at fault. Obiwan, Yoda, and Padme decide to keep her life hidden from Anakin who has fallen completely to the Dark Side. She mentions that she has family on Alderaan and she could take the babies there. Luke is more obviously Force sensitive and there's a worry Anakin will notice if Luke is too close to the core planets where he has been most active. Obiwan offers up that he knows Anakin's brother Owen who lives on a backwater planet at this point and Luke could be raised by his uncle with Obiwan watching over them. Not Sure a mother would willingly allow her baby to be taken away... so maybe she does die, but after the babies are born... whatever. We can put in a final confrontation between Obiwan and Anakin that isn't about riding floating droids and swinging on ropes over lava. It can be a conversation that turns to an argument that turns to a lightsaber fight more like the one we see a little of in Episode 4. Obiwan has a pained look on his face as his arrogant apprentice tries to strike at him. Anakin has tears in his eyes from the anger and blaming Obiwan for the death of his love. The fight lasts maybe 3 minutes. Obiwan wins as per normal and can't bring himself to end Anakin's life. The Emperor and Darth Vader begin hunting down and slaughtering the Jedi who are a spread out collection of people instead of a big military organization. You know... like Obiwan told Luke that Vader did during his speech in Episode 4. We don't see most of that. It can be the subject of one of the animated series. Whatever.

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Bad: There was no need to bring Darth Maul back. I understand that he's back in a couple of the animated series, but to put it in the movie as a teaser at the end makes me think they're going to put him into more live action movies. I guess I also would have liked some of the information we're given to be spread out over more movies. They crammed Han's entire known back story into one movie and it feels like we didn't get the detail I would have liked. For example, I would have liked more of a story about Han and Chewy meeting and becoming friends. I also would have liked more of a story about about Han and Lando meeting and becoming... hmm... almost friends. And if you're going to introduce the idea of droids fighting for their freedom and equal treatment... you need to do a lot more. The entire setting glosses over the fact that droids seem to be sentient; used as slaves; and treated like possessions instead of like thinking beings. C-3P0 gets his memory wiped against his will frequently. Droids aren't allowed in bars. You can buy droids and own them and it's shown at the beginning of Star Wars when uncle Owen buys some droids from Jawas (who just abducted the droids to begin with). Even in the movie Solo, most of the characters consider L3-37 to be sort of silly for thinking the way she does. It's off-putting.

Good: The actors did good jobs of portraying the characters. And even though the story felt rushed I did like seeing some more of Han and Chewy.

My Idea: I would have liked a few movies... or maybe do a series like Mandalorian but with Han and Chewy and sometimes Lando. Put in a little more of how the Empire is oppressing people and taking over worlds. Show how Han connects with the Hutt cartels and how he begins his smuggling career. Maybe even end the one season series with the story of Han and Chewy losing that big shipment and we close on Han saying something like "Chewy, I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Bad: It was the life story of a character instead of a spy thriller. Also, for some reason at the end, Darth Vader is a scary badass wading through rebels like they're nothing and moving like he's young and whole-bodied again. The movie leads right into Episode 4 where Darth Vader moves like a person on prosthetics and who is a bit older. I dislike that shift. It feels like a detail they missed. I also hate Vader's line when talking to the guy in charge of the Death Star project who has just been sniveling and annoying. Vader Force-chokes the guy and says "Don't choke on your aspirations"... It's WAY too cheesy for Darth Vader. He's supposed to be menacing and terrifying. He should have Force-choked the guy and then said "go away" in his awesome James Earl Jones voice. Also, the blind character should just have been openly Force Sensitive, but his training was cut short by the purge, and he's just loyally defending a Jedi temple.

Good: I like the characters enough that I cried when each of the good characters died. The droid, the blind guy, and the blind guy's friend. Sorry, I'm not remembering names, and don't feel like looking them up. This lack of remembering the names should be an indication to you that this movie didn't impress me too much. But this is the good paragraph. Some of the characters were engaging and the climax was engaging. Actually, even though I disagree with the logic behind Vader being so powerful and spry, it was pretty awesome to see Darth Vader that way. So, I enjoyed that scene.

My Idea: This movie should not have been the life story of Jyn Erso. This should have been the story of Rebels realizing they need to find a weakness in the big station that's now terrifying systems throughout the galaxy. They send a team of spies and we get a spy thriller. The spies steal the plans and have achieved their goal, but can't figure out how to get the plans off-world. Vader is brought in to hunt down the plans so that we can get the impression that fits Episode 4 where Vader has to spend time hunting for the plans. The spies do a good job of staying on the run, and Vader gets mad. At the end of it, the only way they can get the plans out is during a diplomatic conference that Leia is a part of. Vader catches wind that Leia Organa is mixed up in something shady. We get told about how the rebels were hoping to get the plans without being discovered and their time-table is moved up. Leia has the plans and thinks her cover is still good. She takes the plans and is tasked with picking up Obiwan ahead of schedule. He's on the way. But the cover is broken and Vader just looks at the flight plan to see that Leia is going to Tatooine and follows immediately with a Star Destroyer... which leads right into Episode 4.

Episode 4: Star Wars / A New Hope

Bad: Storm troopers are described as impressive marksmen and then they are terrible. The guy's arm isn't cauterized by the lightsaber hacking it off. Somehow Luke disappears in the trash compactor water that's only shin-deep. Some of the lines are delivered oddly. For example, Leia saying "They're coming through" when the door isn't opening yet and Han saying "I'm gonna have to shut down, they're not getting me without a fight" (makes it sounds like shutting down is a way to fight back instead of pausing to make them separate things). And the Trench Run doesn't make sense. There are turrets in the trench and on the surface and in the trench you have to fly in a relatively straight line... way easier to shoot. Also, if the goal is to get a target lock on the exhaust port before firing the proton torpedoes, how did Luke's connection to the Force help that in any way? Is it timing instead of a target lock? That makes no sense. We have missiles in the real world that can parse images and find the weak spots on buildings like doors and windows. Proton Torpedoes should be at least that advanced. I'll address this more in the "my idea" paragraph.

Good:Everything else. Heck even the Trench Run fits into the good paragraph because even though it doesn't make sense, it's engrossing and has me on the edge of my seat every time. I know what's going to happen. But it's so good.

My Idea: What I would change about Episode 4 would be a general tweak of the things I listed in the bad paragraph to improve them. But I want to focus on what I would change about the Trench run. Instead of a trench, it's just the exhaust port. It has to be fairly open to deal with the immense power and waste heat the station has. Blasters won't work because it's not a perfectly straight tube and you need a missile that can maneuver itself to reach the target. The port isn't covered by a shield because they need energy to escape the vent, but it maybe has a thick grate over it or something. Recognizing the weakness, they cluster more turrets around there. You could get the target lock from a good distance and maybe everyone flies in with the target locked. But being missiles, the turrets can shoot them down if they're fired from too far away. So they have to get close enough to fire that the turrets can't shoot down the missiles. The first attack run manages to get missiles fired close enough to blow up the grate, but the Y-Wings are shot down in the process. The next X-Wing squad goes in for their run while Luke's squadron harries the turrets to try to provide some help. This attack run fails completely. Now, the Force makes sense as a guide. It helps Luke fly such that he doesn't get hit, and he's the only one that can fly close enough to fire his missiles close enough. And he just unloads all his torpedoes. They all go in the vent and everyone runs away.

Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back

Bad: To start with, force shield technology is really inconsistent. I get that it just serves the story and Lucas didn't think too hard about this. But we have shields that hold in air but that ships can fly through; shields called deflectors that act like ablative armor; and shields that Star Destroyers can't shoot through or fly through, but if you land some walkers, they can walk through to get to the generator to destroy it. It's confusing. Another thing that Lucas is inconsistent about is the speed of flying through hyperspace. In Episode 4, the Falcon flies from Tatooine to Alderaan in a time that is long enough to play chess, do some Jedi training, and generally long enough to have to find things to do. It doesn't seem they sleep though so I don't think it's a time best measured in days. I'd guess hours. In the sequel episodes, it seems more like minutes. And specifically in Episode 5, I wonder what's going on because somehow the Falcon moves from Hoth to Bespin using sub-light engines... how long did that take? With the idea that the closest solar system to Sol is something like 4 light years away, if you move between those systems at light speed, it would take 4 years. If you're using sub-light engines, presumably you're going some speed slower than the speed of light. When Han finds Bespin in the star charts, he says it's not too far away, but presumably it's some number of light years away... they'd have to travel for YEARS to get to Bespin. Was Luke on Dagobah for years training? Is the Falcon supplied enough to provide for it's crew for years? I don't think so. So that's a problem. Travel time seems to be whatever is necessary to make Lucas's story work, and that bothers me. The last thing that I find bad about Empire Strikes Back is the scene in the cave with Luke's training. My problem with it is that I don't get it. He goes in, faces Darth Vader and wins only to find himself under the mask, and then Yoda calls it a failure. He failed by bringing weapons with him when Yoda told him he wouldn't need weapons I guess. But what would have happened if he hadn't brought them along? How would it have been different? Or if it was the same, what happens to Luke when the illusory Darth Vader strikes him? I find it confusing and it is what drops the movie down in my ranking.

Good: I love Yoda's part in the movie in its entirety. Yoda is awesome in this movie (which makes it more of a shame the writing for Yoda is so bad in the prequels). I enjoyed the movie overall from the battle of Hoth and the general theme of the rebels having a hard time while the Empire hunts them. My favorite scene is when the good guys are lead to the dining hall, and the moment Han sees Vader, he draws his blaster and starts shooting. No time to consider... Han knows Vader is evil and powerful and it's his only chance. It's so good that Han is so quick to act here. I love it.

My Idea: It might have been better if they could have conveyed that the shield on Hoth was an umbrella shield specifically to protect against bombardment from space and that it doesn't contact the ground, so walkers can fit. I'd also deal with the trip to Bespin by saying that Han found the part that burned out, and he borrowed a part from somewhere else on the ship that will be good enough for one short jump, so they have to make it count. Finally, the scene in the cave... hmm... that's actually tough. You have to show something where he could have better handled it without weapons, so that the part of the lesson around listening to Yoda is in there, and have a clear lesson in there too. Maybe have Vader standing there near Luke's friends but without a lightsaber drawn, and the good method would have been talking first, but Luke is brash and he immediately attacks. Vader's first drawing of the saber is only in defense. It's true that in the movie, this is the order of events but it isn't clear that Luke attacking is the failure the movie intended. Adding friends that Luke might be worried about would highlight him attacking unprovoked. I lauded Han for doing just that, but Luke is going to become a Jedi where impulsive action is generally a bad idea. Anyway, when Luke strikes down Vader, if the lesson is supposed to be patience and consideration, it should be that Luke discovers Vader's intentions weren't violent somehow. If the lesson is around warning Luke away from the Dark Side and avoiding becoming like Darth Vader, then the mask revealing Luke's face makes some sense. Either way, Yoda should explain a little how Luke failed for the audience.

Episode 6: Return of the Jedi

Bad: Luke's plan for rescuing Han is a bit convoluted. Get Lando a job there; get the droids captured; get Chewy captured and Leia there in disguise; plan for getting captured by putting your lightsaber in R2; assume Leia will be discovered and captured after getting Han out of carbonite (did he knowingly put Leia in there just to get Han out of carbonite without telling her she'd be captured as a result?); try to use the Force to get Jabba to let everyone go and fail... and assume Jabba will bring everyone together so you can fight your way out? I don't know... that's just a weird series of events. But the biggest problem with Episode 6 is the Ewoks. George Lucas was originally going to use Wookiees as the primitive species on Endor, but Chewbacca being tech-savvy, it didn't make sense. Wanting to stick with a primitive species the rebels meet there, he came up with Ewoks. The problem is that the ewoks shouldn't have succeeded against the imperial troops. The movie even shows an arrow bouncing off the armor. Why did the storm troopers lose? Why did they panic? They're soldiers right? When the ewoks popped up it should immediately have turned to storm troopers shooting ewoks. The ewoks should have lost badly. And the traps they set up for the AT-STs? When did they set those up without the Empire noticing the activity near their base? And why did the rolling log trap work at all? The AT-ST's legs started wobbling in the movies before the logs got to it. The trip line might have helped if they had tied the ends of the rope to trees. But even if they had figured that out, it wouldn't have turned the tide.

Good: There's a fair amount that's good with this movie, but I'm going to focus on the best scene in all of Star Wars. It's Luke's confrontation with his father. And honestly it should be the best scene in all of Star Wars because the original story is the story of Anakin Skywalker. This is the climactic tragic moment that caps the whole story. Luke tries to not fight. Only when the Emperor shows that his friends and comrades are struggling and dying does he think he's running out of time and he has to try to stop the Emperor now. He tries to strike the Emperor but Vader is waiting and stops the strike. Luke and Vader begin their duel but Luke still doesn't want to fight his father. He jumps back out of reach and tries to talk things out again. Vader throws his lightsaber at Luke to bring him down from the catwalk and the fighting continues. Luke manages to hide under the platform in darkness as he tries to figure out what to do. Vader searches Luke's thoughts and discovers the he has a sister... another of Vader's children. Vader taunts Luke by telling him he'll go after Leia... and Luke snaps. He can't deal with the idea of his sister being in that kind of danger. Luke switches from the controlled fighting prior to emotional brute swings, and eventually over powers his father and cuts off his father's hand. It's a mental break as Luke sees the similarity and realizes that he was losing control to anger. He recovers and faces the Emperor proclaiming that he will not kill his father in anger and he will not bow to Palpatine's will. Palpatine begins torturing and berating Luke with Force lightning while Vader recovers and watches... and... Anakin wakes up. Anakin saves his son from the Emperor. My favorite part of the whole thing is when Luke snaps and John Williams accompanies it to perfection. It's such a perfect moment, and the choreography tells the story just right. It's entirely evident what the emotions are from the choreography. The special effects aren't the important part. It's the emotion behind what's happening. I love this scene so much. It puts Return of the Jedi into the favorite position even above Episodes 4 and 5 and despite the ewoks.

My Idea: Finding a better rescue plan for Han would be nice, but the important idea I'd like to convey is around replacing the ewoks. My understanding of Han's story even before the movie of his origin came out was that Han was part of the Empire and the reason Chewbacca likes him so much is because Han rescued him from slavery to the Empire. This puts wookiees in as slave labor to the Empire as a great idea for Return of the Jedi. Just give up on the primitive species idea because it doesn't help the story in any significant way. It would be really easy to say that the Empire is keeping its wookiee slave labor force on the planet/moon below the second Death Star where they are used to mine materials and operate machines to build the parts. When the rebels get there, they realize that liberating the wookiees means a big force of strong fighters that can actually do something useful against the imperial troops. You have really angry beasts that can tear arms out of sockets. And as soon as they kill a few of their captors, they can take blasters and be even scarier to the empire. It's so much more logical than ewoks that I don't understand how Lucas missed that opportunity. Why was using a primitive species so important?

Episode 7: The Force Awakens

Bad: It's a copy of Episode 4. I'm not rehashing this in my short paragraph. If you read one of the reviews that includes episode 7 that I linked, you can get the full idea. For my short paragraph, I'm going to point out that the map to Luke is stupid and that the creators of this story completely missed the opportunity to write new story that tells us what happened in the last thirty years and bring us back into the Star Wars Universe with the familiar... using that to introduce the new. I'll mention this more in the "my idea" paragraph.

Good: The characters they introduce are good and the actors do really good work across the board in my opinion. The nostalgia bits like the scene where Han says "it's all real" were good. The scene with Han, Chewy, and Finn going to shut down the shield and rescue Rey is excellent... specifically the one where Han gets to say "that's not how it works" and "oh! you're cold?!". The scene where Chewie witnesses Han's death and it triggers him to wreck house is good. Not Han's death. That was weak. But Chewy's part is good.

My Idea: They should have opened up with Han, Chewy, Luke, and Leia. I know we can't build an action adventure story around elderly people, but the transition from no story for 30 years back into the setting should have been with the familiar. Also, things should have changed in 30 years. The Empire should be the small group barely hanging on. A few star destroyers and maybe a few worlds still under imperial control. Luke is running the new Jedi Academy and it has learned from the mistakes of the previous Jedi order. It does not impose draconian requirements on its members, and seeks to guide toward goodness instead of requiring obedience. Ben and his cousin Rey (Luke's daughter) are students at the academy. The new threat to the united worlds that Leia is helping to build should be something like the Thrawn trilogy, except that Ren or Snoke replaces C'Baoth as the dark side Force user, and they found the Knights of Ren. Thrawn begins implementing his plan and this is the new threat that our heroes have to deal with. At the climax of Episode 7, Ben sees a Knight of Ren defeat a Jedi easily, and he begins wondering about the power of the dark side, and the cliffhanger of Episode 7 is Ben talking to Ren/Snoke or maybe just off in the woods seeing how much more damage he can do with rage than with calm.

Episode 8: The Last Jedi / aka: "who the hell cares"

Bad: This is a piece of shit movie that is a cobbled together mess of unrelated short-stories that actively damages the setting of Star Wars with ridiculous changes to the technologies, most notably that you can destroy an entire fleet of star destroyers by jumping a carrier toward them. Why isn't that weapon technology and why was it never used before in the thousands of years with hyperspace technology? The movie also makes the most optimistic person in the galaxy (saved Darth Vader) into a broken shell of a man that considers murdering his nephew while he sleeps. How can you destroy the character of Luke Skywalker like that? How can you smile and think this is a good movie Rian Johnson? Subverting expectations? Fuck you Rian Johnson. I hope you die slowly, painfully, and alone. Soon. Oh right... and Leia... what a waste of the character. Her biggest scene is being blown into space and surviving with the Force. But she ends up in a medical bay and misses most of the movie. I hate Rian Johnson.

Good: Poe gets a story arc where he learns the responsibility of leadership. It's poorly written, and the purple haired lady is an idiot and terrible leader. But Poe gets to grow.

My Idea: Scrap the story we're given. This should be the movie where the bad guys are winning. In my version it's where Thrawn is making real progress and taking over Republic worlds and just totally out maneuvering the good guys with his strategic genius. And the Knights of Ren are hunting down Jedi that are spread out in the galaxy trying to do some good. The Knights of Ren haven't attacked the academy... but they're having success hunting Jedi. And this is where we see Ben give in to his lust for power thinking the Knights of Ren can teach him better. Everything is going to crap.

Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker

Bad: The movie had to dig its way out of a lot of crap that Episode 8 provided, so there's a fair amount of effort and time spent to adjust things. It's not the fault of Episode 9, but it's a detriment to the movie. I also dislike that the backbone of the story is the scavenger hunt of starting with one clue and following it to the next step. Way too many ridiculous steps... including that C-3P0 knows the location but won't tell them because of some programming. And then the dagger with Sith writing lines up with the Death Star wreckage to tell you where to look inside for the homing beacon? ugh... terrible. I also don't like that the Emperor is the bad guy. It turns Episode 6's victory into nothing, and then the 9 movies become the story of Emperor Palpatine. It's the rise to power, the obstacle of Anakin and Luke that slowed him down, and his big return. Interesting idea I guess that might have been done better, but overall I dislike Palpatine as the big bad guy for Episode 9. The last problem I have is that Rey is a Mary-Sue. She's so powerful so easily without any work to get there.

Good: The movie felt a lot like Star Wars again which didn't happen with 7 because it was a rip-off of 4, and didn't happen with 8 because 8 was so shitty. Episode 9 felt like Star Wars again. It was adventure. I was engrossed. I'm not sure what to credit that too, but it worked. And they hit some pretty good nostalgia buttons. The scene with Luke and Leia lightsaber training was pretty awesome... and I know it was CG, but it felt like it honored Carrie Fisher and the character of Leia some. And there's this quick scene just after Ben Solo arrives to help Rey where his plain old TIE fighter is sitting next to Luke Skywalker's old X-Wing... and that image struck me so well. Seeing Lando again was nice, though putting him in outside of the scavenger hunt would have been nice. I also like the interactions between the main characters. Finn, Poe and Rey... the friendship and banter was good.

My Idea: Ben has to be recovered and not die. Since in my version he doesn't kill Han, he can be redeemed a bit better. If Harrison Ford demands that Han die in Episode 7 still with the better writing, maybe Luke and the Force fail to protect Han and that's what pushes Ben toward the Dark Side and the Knights of Ren. But anyway, the big thing is going to have to be Rey convincing her cousin that he's on the wrong path, and they get to shine taking down the Knights of Ren while Poe, Finn, and Chewy are part of the climactic battle with Thrawn. The movie, and the entire Skywalker Saga ends with Luke talking to Rey and Ben, and saying that the story is never really over... that there will always be something that good people need to stand up to. But we'll be ready.