Monday, June 13, 2011

Time to go shooting

I haven't posted in a long while now, and I stumbled on a quick guide for pistol shooting... which made me think about how I haven't been shooting in a longer time. I miss it. Not enough to get off my duff an go shooting apparently, but I do think about it from time to time.

Anyway, I figured I'd write a quick post providing the list I learned when I was a kid of the rules for properly handling a firearm safely.

1) ALWAYS treat the firearm as though it is loaded and has a bullet in the chamber. ALWAYS.
This rule is meant to keep people from making that stupid mistake of assuming the gun is not loaded and firing off a round accidentally. If you always treat the firearm as though it's loaded no matter what, then you won't make the mistake. Seriously. ALWAYS. Even if the chamber is open and you can see that there is no cartridge in there... treat the thing like it's loaded. Get into the habit.

2) NEVER point the firearm at anything you are unwilling to destroy. NEVER.
This rule is meant to address people goofing off with firearms. Maybe not as obviously as I would like, no one should ever fool around with a firearm. It's not a toy. Even if you know it's not loaded (see rule number 1), and you're not planning on pulling the trigger... you don't point a gun at something you're not intending on shooting. If you're just carrying the firearm, you point it at soft ground, the ceiling, or the sky. Keep it from pointing at people. This is another good habit to get into.

3) Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
Different firearms have different amounts of pressure you need to apply to fire it. Some of them only require a touch (usually target pistols are like this for example), and some take more (but being startled might make you squeeze before you intended). Really, this rule is a habit you want to be in so that you can't accidentally squeeze the trigger. Once the firearm is pointed at the target you want to shoot at, you can put your finger on the trigger.

If you assume the gun is loaded, you point the firearm in a safe direction, and you keep your finger off the trigger, you're not going to do anything stupid. Nice and simple. If you're around someone who's handling a firearm unsafely (depending on who they are to you), get away from them or correct their behavior.

Guns don't need to be scary. Really... they're not scary at all. The scary aspect is the people who are holding the guns, if they're handling them unsafely.

One last thing: Firing ranges usually have a list of rules and protocols for further safety, usually around when it's okay to fire. If there are targets that aren't on runner-lines, you'll need to listen for cease fires through your hearing protection, and you'll be expected to "clear" your firearm. But any range you go to will have people happy to help you.