Wednesday, January 24, 2018

"Illegal Immigrants" in the United States of America

For some reason, I've seen the topic come up a lot recently.  Specifically there's this stupid image I've seen floating around on Facebook...

Just to re-iterate the text in the image...

How can the Federal Government ask U.S. Citizens To Pay Student Loans Back When Illegal Immigrants are Getting A Free Education?
My first thought is that whoever created that image could probably benefit with some education around grammar.  But that's not important here.  What is important is the logical fallacy of comparing two unrelated things, and the inhumane idea that our tax money is worth more than human lives.

To begin with, I'm not aware of the federal government asking me to help pay back student loans.  I haven't gotten that letter or email.  But if I had, I'd gladly say: "Yes.  Please use some of the money we pay in taxes to pay back student loan debt, and set up a government body to handle paying for college education for any citizen that qualifies by merit for that education."

You see, you already have to qualify by merit to be accepted into a college.  If you don't have good enough grades or test scores, colleges will exclude you.  It's not based on whether you can pay for it.  So, if instead of screwing over our children when they qualify for college but don't have enough money to pay for it, I am happy to help those kids enter the work force without being in debt to some super rich loan company.  I have no desire for the doctors in our country to be saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt when they enter the work force.  How does it help me for them to have drastic monetary needs?  Might I end up paying more for medical service?  Probably.  And really... when my kids are old enough to go to college, I don't want them to have to start their adult lives in the real world at a negative.  I don't understand why so many adults now are so upset about the idea of tax money being used to help our kids.

What we should be upset about is that corporations seem to be able to hide ridiculous sums of money from the government that should be taxed, and which would cover a huge amount of government programs that would help us poor folk that didn't have the benefit of being born super rich.  I can tell you I'm pissed off by the selfish behaviors of our super rich over-lords.

One more thing about taxes being used to pay for college education: Why would we want to make it into a financial decision about whether or not a kid can go to college?  What about those kids from poor neighborhoods that might not normally have the option of going to college?  What if that kid is actually pretty smart, and they could find a cure for cancer, or a much cheaper way to get us into space so we could start making more use of the resources we can find up there?  How many kids with potential haven't had any opportunity to get help with education because they couldn't afford to go to college?  And how much have we as a country missed out on because of that?  I very much want to take money out of that equation, and I'm quite happy for my tax money to be spent that way.

Anyway, now that I've talked about the issue of paying back student loans and the idea that we shouldn't punish our children for wanting more education... that bit about "illegal aliens" or "illegal immigrants"...

There are a lot of things I want to say, but the first is: They're human beings!  Sweet Jebus they're human beings!

The image I have in my head of an "illegal immigrant" is the one of a poor family that is escaping horrid conditions I'll never understand truly, in hopes of surviving and making a life for themselves.  And then there are stories in the news now about people that have living here for a long time contributing to our economy who get deported...

same man... but a variety of news sources...

different man...

longer article, that includes individual story of a woman that filed for asylum in 2012...

You can search for your own articles, but the idea is that we have human beings here who are just trying to live their lives.  We're not talking about criminals.  We're talking about people who work here and contribute.  We're talking about people that want to be citizens, but are faced with our ridiculous immigration policies.

It shocks me that religious conservatives ignore the teachings of their religion when it comes to tax money.  Didn't Jesus teach to help the poor?  To rid yourself of earthly belongings to be rich in Heaven or something like that?  What hypocrites.  And what terrible people regardless of religion.

We need to stop referring to human beings as "illegals".  Do so makes it far to easy to forget that they're just people.  Like us.  Who deserve a chance at happy life.

And we need to stop thinking our money is worth more than other people's lives.  Again: we SHOULD just be trying to get those rich assholes at the top stop dodging taxes.  And to pay their employees better.  The rich people running this country really are the problem at the root of all of this.

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