There was an essay written and broken up on Twitter by Kenny DeForest in June 2020. The essay is really good, but I find it obnoxious to read small chunks of text and then have to find the next, and it's probably worse when someone screen shots the whole thing and you are now cycling through a chain of images to read the essay. So, I wrote it all out in one text file. I made paragraphs out of what felt like were breaking points, and did things like spell out "two hundred plus" instead of "200+", and I added a ton of links so you can read about some of the things mentioned or easily find the people involved, but the essay is otherwise unchanged.
I'd like to point that I'm a middle-aged white guy. I'm married with a few kids. I'm a software engineer. I've got plenty of stress in the form of work and taking care of family, but really I can't complain. I've got it pretty easy in the context of community and treatment by law enforcement. The worst I've gotten is a speeding ticket, and the interactions were pretty polite. As a fairly privileged white guy, I acknowledge that black people in general have it much harder than I do in this country. And I'm ashamed it took me until George Floyd's murder by Officer Derek Chauvin for me to really get it. I didn't know. So, I'm trying really hard to publicly supportive of Black Lives Matter. And I'm sharing things like this with anyone who reads the blog (not that there are many).
So, here's the essay by Kenny DeForest...
My coolest night of comedy was when Chappelle dropped by @ComedyAtTheKnit when @MrWillMiles, @theeclarkjones, and I were still hosting. We were in the back room and he was in town supporting Kevin Hart hosting SNL. I texted @joyellenicole like "any chance Dave wants to go up?" We start the show thinking MIGHT come. A couple comics in, he sneaks in like a boxer with his hood up. We're in the green room smoking, drinking, and joking. The dude is a machine. Every topic that came up, he had something profuound for.
We bring him up last, the crowd LOSES IT. He was asking the crowd for headlines to riff on. They toss one out, he riffs a joke. Every topic, he immediately had a perfect joke for. Now, this was days after the cop that choked Eric Garner to death in Staten Island (you know, murder) was not indicted by a grand jury. Protests etc were all over the city. Tensions were high. About 15-20 min in to his set he asks for another topic and someone shouts "police brutality!" He pauses then says, "you really wanna do this? Okay." He chugs his Tecate and sets it down.
Our crowd was always beautifully mixed. The show was started by @hannibalburess, so it's always had a black base, but it's in Williamsburg so there were always hipsters of all persuasions and, amazingly, people from all over the world. We always had global tourists which I thought was incredible for a free bar show.
So, Chappelle starts talking about Eric Garner and watching him get murdered in cold blood on camera and how it makes him scared for his children. I remember he said "I thought body cams would help, but what good is video evidence if y'all don't care?" A clearly privileged white girl (she had a wide brimmed hat for chrissakes) shouts, "Life's hard, sorry 'bout it!", and it takes the air completely out of the room. A collective gasp. Chappelle zeros in on her. "What did you say?" She repeats it. Chappelle starts going in.
He starts educating the crowd on the history of black people and the police. He talked about slave patrols and Rodney King and Watts and Emmett Till and Black Wall Street. He talked about Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and he talked about John Crawford III. If you don't remember John Crawford III, google it. It happened right around the time of some higher profile killings, but it's as awful as anything you'll see. He was on the phone in Walmart and picked up a BB gun (that was for sale in said Walmart) and was just looking at it. Some scared ******-ass called the cops, and this officer comes in, doesn't even bother saying "drop the weapon" or "hands up" and just guns him down. The security footage makes it plain as day. The footage will make you sick. Disgusting and outrageous in every conceivable way.
Chappelle then tells a story about getting pulled over in rural Ohio where he lives. This is before the Crawford shooting but after Ferguson so racial tension is bubbling. He said "I may be white on paper, but I'm still black. So, I'm nervous." He says, "the cop approaches and he can tell I'm nervous. I have both my hands on the wheel and I say 'officer my license and registration is in the glove box. I'm going to reach for them now. I promise I'm not armed.' I could tell the officer was offended that I was nervous. He said, 'I know who you ar Dave Chappelle' and I said, 'so why do you need my license and registration?'" He gets off with a warning. The twist? The same cop would go on to murder John Crawford III. His take away: "I shouldn't have to be Dave Chappelle to survive police encounters."
He goes on to explain that one of his best friends is South African. He said, "I asked him what it was like in South Africa right before apartheid ended and he said it was chaos in the streets. There were riots and car bombs and so on, but the amount of people caring hit critical mass... and there was nothing they could do to stop it. The people had momentum and apartheid ended. Critical mass. That's what we have to hit. Once enough of you care, there will be nothing they can do to stop the change." It was incredibly powerful. The crowd was somber and silent.
After the show, we're in the green room. @joyellenicole comes back and says, "that dumbass white girl wanted to talk to you, but I told her you were busy", and he goes, "no, bring her back." So, Joyelle leaves and comes back with wide-brim hat girl and her friend. Hat girl is humiliated and her friend even more so. Hat girl speaks first: "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said and thank you for educating me. I was ignorant before, but I want you to know I learned from you tonight and I won't say things like that anymore." Chappelle responds, "you're okay. That's all we can ask. Know better, do better. I want to thank YOU for hearing me and listening. That's your role. And now you know. Now you're part of that critical mass we talked about and next time you hear a friend say some ignorant shit like you said, it's your job to correct them and share with them what you learned tonight. THEN, you're no longer part of the problem, you're part of the solution." She starts crying and he pulls her in for a hug. "It's okay. You're part of the solution now. Do you want a picture?" She says, "really?" And he says, "of course! Friend, get over here for a picture." The friend approaches, they take photos, he hugs them both, and reiterates that it's okay and just to be part of the solution, and sends them on their way. CLASS. I couldn't believe what I witnessed.
He changed everyone in that room that night. Two hundred plus people became part of the solution if they weren't already. Even a privileged girl in a privileged hat with a privileged mindset. Point is, it doesn't matter what you thought before. You can always change. And you can always become a part of the critical mass trying to push this shit forward. All you have to do is care and allow that care to become education and action.
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