Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Why does anyone support Trump?

Seriously.  Why?  Why when Trump has fulfilled none of his promises to the working class, and has actively done ridiculous amounts of damage to the country and to our foreign relations, does he still have supporters?  It should have ended when he said "grab 'em by the pussy" or when he made fun of a handicapped reporter on national television.  It should have been clear that he doesn't have the character required to be a representative of our country.  And in the presidential debates when he claimed on live national television on multiple networks that not paying his taxes makes him smart, followed the next day by a denial that he ever said it... it should have been clear that he was part of the economic problem AND that he's too dishonest to be a good president.

He chided Obama on twitter about playing too much golf and then has rocketed past any previous president for time spent on the golf course.  He's also breaking constitutional law by keeping his business holdings, and he's actually using tax payer money to make more profits for himself at his golf courses.  That's okay with his supporters?

And he denies climate science findings.  The findings by any honest and capable environmental scientist are that human influenced climate change is real, and that we are actively suffering negative consequences of it that will only get worse with time if we do nothing.  But to keep profits for fossil fuel companies Trump spouts off nonsense like "windmills cause cancer" and used the oxymoron-term "clean coal".  It doesn't exist by the way.  Coal is not environmentally friendly at all, and it can't be.  Trump is evil if he's saying it to trick people, and he's an idiot if he believes what he's saying.  We could have so many new jobs in clean energy and there's so much money to be made, but the old super-rich fossil fuel industry magnates don't want to change anything because they are making money now and don't have to make any effort.  We should all be furious with these people (Trump included) for putting their disinterest in making an effort ahead of the welfare of the world.  They could make huge money by shifting to the clean stuff... but... that's too much time and investment to make the shift I guess.  Assholes.

Trump's tax changes benefit the rich in wildly unbalanced ways.  And the rest of us don't actually get anything back, but hey look!  Trump is cancelling and reducing tax-funding for programs that American citizens need.  All of his tax efforts funnel money to people who already have it, while the rest of us live in debt with no hope of getting out of debt.

Foreign policy is fun with Trump too.  We had allies.  Trump seems to be doing everything he can to piss off our allies, cozy up to threats, or more recently: poke threats with missiles that might mean even more American soldiers killed in the response.  What was that Trump?  Didn't you say you were going to get our troops out of the Middle East?  100%?

He put a religious nut-job in charge of education.  The founding fathers defined separation of church and state for a reason.  Government and public tax-funded organizations can't favor a religion... so that no one gets persecuted again.  We can't have prayer in school because not everyone wants that.  School has to remain separate.  Religion can be freely practiced at home and in places of worship, but I don't want my kids to have to put up with religious non-sense in a place where they're supposed to be able to obtain reliable information... not faith.  Faith has no place in school.  It infuriates me that there are people who think their religion would make schools better.  That's flat-out inarguably false.  Religious freedom is being able to practice your religion so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others (no human sacrifices; no abuse of people; no forcing other people to listen to your crap).  I can't wait until religion finally dies off.  It'll be nice when people realize that believing in a magic sky-fairy without evidence of its existence is pointless and often detrimental.

Where was I?

Right... Trump is trying to make the United States dumber by gaslighting his supporters into believing that science can't be trusted, and by playing up religious belief to support his choices.  He's attacking U.S. Citizens with his tax changes; he's making our military involvements worse; he's increasing profits for rich people who are damaging the world; he's doing everything he can to ruin education; and he has yet to make things better for anyone who isn't already rich.

Why do his supporters refuse to see the harm he's doing to them?  It kills me that Trump gets to have so much influence about the world our kids will inherit, and that so many people don't care that he's doing so much damage.  I don't get it.

Is this nightmare going to end?

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